Phillip Simpano



Phillip Simpano Entasekera area Chief shows us the community tap that was installed as part of the water project. “Before this water project,the villagers would drink dirty water becasue the source of the water was not protetcted. Now the members of the community can drink the water as it is clean and also use the water for other chores at home.”

The water tap that was put part as part of the water project and brings water from Kilueni spring. The water has brought benefits like;

  1. Reducing water borne diseases.
  2. Assisted in maternal health and cleaness because the women can now use clean water.
  3. The women of the community now have time to attend community programmes and activities including health services.
  4. The community members are more inclined to take care of their physical hygiene because the water is clean. 

© Esther Sweeney / Ipa

Phillip Simpano
Phillip Simpano
Phillip Simpano